Server Overview

The server holds a log of signed claims. That is it’s main purpose; other functions are for convenience or for features that are temporary while full P2P features are implemented.

This service is not good for totally private claims. (Try Mastodon or Nostr or ACDCs.)

  • Use /api/claim endpoints to record and retrieve claims, via standard REST.

    • To POST a claim, it must be signed and sent in a JWT; the body looks like this: { "jwtEncoded" : "{JWT}" }

    • All other endpoints have various levels of permissions based on the signed DID (“Decentralized IDentifier”). Send an Authorization HTTP header with a Bearer {JWT} token to retrieve full sets of data later.

    • All claim payloads are expected to be in JSON-LD format, which basically means that there are two properties: @context and @type.

    • To retrieve claims, use GET to get the original claim in a claim field along with some other fields such as the server ID, date issued, etc. An example is available directly in a browser (though much data will be hidden):

      • One can only see personally identifiable IDs if the creator has made a claim about them or explicitly allowed them visibility.

    • /api/v2/report endpoints (and the older /api/report endpoints) do more targeted retrievals of claims.

      • Besides generic reports, there are ways to retrieve well-known types of claims: actions, events, plans and projects, tenure

        • These well-known claims retrieve a different format than the generic “claims” reports: they don’t have an embedded “claim” with the details because all the details are at the top level.

        • For example, a PlanAction can be retrieved via /api/plan/{HANDLE_ID} where the HANDLE_ID is the value of the permanent handleId of the original plan claim. A handle ID can be supplied by the original recorder; if not supplied then the system will generate one.

        • Note that the handle ID can be used as an editing mechanism: whenever a claim has an identifier property, the handle ID can be used to retrieve the latest version with that identifier.

    • All data (including source claims) are filtered such that fields with DIDs are hidden if the originator has not allowed visibility.

    • There are a few types of identifiers.

      • An identifier is a global identifier put on a claim by the client; you’ll see in in may examples on other pages, eg. a Give in transactions. It is optional; if not supplied, the handleId is typically useful as a global ID for the claim. But in this server the identifier is only used on inputs; subsequent references should be explicit identifiers like handleId or lastClaimId.

      • A handleId is created for all claims, a global reference to the claim; it may have been assigned by the client if a global identifier was included with the claim. The handleId is meant to be persistent across changes, so if the originator needs to update a previous claim then the later, editing claim will share the same handleId and will be considered the most correct version.

      • A lastClaimId is used for an edit of a previous claim. It is typically not global: since it references a previous claim in this chain, it can be a local identifier (and thus the jwtId is typically for it). That claim will be assigned the same handleId as the claim it is editing. (It is important to have this direct reference and not just a handleId because the submitter is then clear on exactly which claim was last seen; when there are multiple agents who can edit then this provides certainty on which was the last edit seen by the submitter. So this is preferred on inputs because it is more accurate.)

      • A jwtId is an internal DB ID for every claim submitted. It is often used for the lastClaimId.

  • The server maintains control of visibility for users via the network endpoints.

    • When someone makes a claim about someone else, their DID is automatically made visible to the subject of the claim.

    • One can explicitly make themselves visible or invisible to other DID holders, eg. with canSeeMe

  • The server maintains some other data for other purposes.

    • The ability to make claims (and onboard others) is controlled by registrations.

      • These are sent as RegisterAction claims with requester as agent, target as participant, and the object as the value "".

    • Merkle hashes of data are maintained for later proof.